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PUPPYOO R3X APP products using agreement

資訊中心 2019-04-30 18:00
PUPPYOO intelligence privacy protecting announcement


PUPPYOO R3X APP: PUPPYOO Robot vacuum cleaner (“PUPPYOO intelligence” or “This product” in the following) can be combined to and get control of PUPPYOO hardware (like: PUPPYOO robot vacuum cleaner). PUPPYOO intelligence is provided by PUPPY ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES INTERNET TECHNOLOGY BEIJING CO., LTD. (“us”, “ PUPPYOO” or “Company” in the following).


Thank you for your trust to PUPPYOO, we will be dedicated to protect your privacy.

The privacy policy will help you to understand:

How we gather and use your information

How we store your information

How we share, transfer and disclose your information

How we protect your information

Your rights to manage personal information

Information protection of juveniles

Privacy policy using range

Privacy policy changes and revise

How to contact with us

How privacy policy works

We would like to announce how we gather, use, store, share and transfer your personal information while using PUPPYOO intelligence, and the ways we provide for you to access, change, delete and protect the information, Please read the policy carefully before using our products and service, using of our products and service means you are fully understand and agree with the policy, if there is any question, please feel free to contact with us.

1. How we gather and use your information.

We will gather and use your information on the following purposes:

1) Using of basic functions

(1) Gather information via registration. PUPPYOO intelligence can be connected with hardware via PUPPYOO account, PUPPYOO will gather your phone number, email, user name and password when you register an account, to help you complete the registration and protect your account. If you refuse to offer the information, you may not able to register an account, but you can still use other functions of the product.

You can provide information about your gender, birthday, education, marriage, graduation school to help us offer personalized service and recommendation to you. You can also change the information through APP interface: More - My account.

(2) Other information. To make it easier to login your account, you can use your a third party account like Wechat to login, we may need get information like name, head portrait, etc. For now PUPPYOO won’t get information from third party, if we need that, we will let you know and get your permission ahead of time.

(3) Intelligent devices combination. PUPPYOO intelligence can be connected with hardware via PUPPYOO account, to get control of hardware with mobile devices. PUPPYOO account and password, WIFI user name and password are needed in the combination of intelligent devices.

(4) Gather information from intelligent devices. To make it easier to get control of PUPPYOO hardware, we will connect with WIFI and gather information created. For example, you can control PUPPYOO R3X robot vacuum cleaner to clean, recharge, set mode, alarm, checking consumable materials’ using condition and life. These information can only be viewed with phone.

(5) Share through third party. You can share the information through a third party, you may need enter your user name and password of the third party, PUPPYOO intelligence won’t store or your user name or password, and won’t send your phone number to a third party, either.

2) Personalized service and recommendation based on your location

After installation, you can choose whether to allow us to gather your information. If you agree on GPS location tracing, we won’t associate your account information and location, or record your track, or use them on purposes out of service and recommendations. Refuse to offer your location will influence the using of other functions.

3) Improvement of products and service

(1) Customer experience improvement. We may gather information about IMEI, MAC, phone model, system editions, System ID, screen resolution ratio, CPU serial number, APP name, etc. to improve our products, none of these information will be related to you.

(2) Solve the problem updated. You can feedback your problems in using the product by more-puppyoo store-customer service. If you didn’t register an account, you need provide phone number, email, qq to us, to get in touch with you. You can also login your account and contact with us after you register an account. PUPPYOO won’t offer your information to a third party.

4) Safety guarantee

To keep the safety level of service, we may use your account information, device information and other information authorized by you, to identify user ID, record, analyze and deal with information suspicious.

5) Other usage

We may form a user portrait with your anonymous information, to show and recommend services, products and functions based on the user portrait. If we use your information on purposes unclaimed, we will ask for your permission first.

6) Exception of getting authorized

According to related legislation, information collection on the following conditions will be used directly without getting your permission:

Affairs related to notional safety and nation defense;

Affairs related to public safety, public sanitation, important public benefits;

Affairs related to crime detection, prosecute and judgement;

Affairs related to personal and property safety, but hard to get your permission;

Information gather from other legal methods like news report, government information;

Necessary on signature of contract as you requested;

Maintain product or service in safe condition, like discover, dealing with breakdowns;

Necessary for legal news report;

Academic researches or public benefit statistics from institutions for academic research;

Other conditions registered by legislation.

2. How we store your information

We will store information domestic in China if they are gathered in China, for cross-border business, we will fulfil according to the guidance of legislation and related supervision department, and will make sure your information is under sufficient protection.

We will only store your information in the limited time and purpose according to the policy.

If we shut down PUPPYOO products or service, we will stop gathering your information and will inform you about shut down information, delete stored information or anonymization.

3. How we share, transfer and disclose your information

1) Share

We won’t share your information to any companies, organizations or person unless get your permission or:

Share your information according to legislation, litigation dispute, or requested by administrative and judicial organs;

With the permission of legislation, with the purpose of protecting PUPPYOO, cooperative partner you and other uses’ benefit and personal safety;

To getting service from related company, we may share only necessary information to them, they may need get your permission for other purposes.

Unless authorized by you, we won’t share your information with third party advertiser, app developer, open platforms, but only anonymous information like how many people installed a certain app;

We may share your information with our supplier, agent or counselor for the purpose claimed in the privacy policy, and will sign data protection agreement with company or ground or person who share information with us.

2) Transfer

We won’t transfer your information to any companies, organizations or person unless under the condition:

Combination, purchase, asset transfer between PUPPYOO and other company, if your information is transferred, we will ask the new holder comply with the privacy policy, and then transfer the information with your permission.

3) Disclose

We will disclose your information publicly under the following conditions:

Get your permission;

According to legislation, litigation dispute, or requested by government department;

With the permission of legislation, with the purpose of protecting PUPPYOO, cooperative partner you and other uses’ benefit and personal safety;

Other conditions registered by legislation.

4. How do we protect your information

We have taken safety measures compliance with industry standards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclose, use, damage or lose;

We will encryption transmission and store personal information, anonymization and encryption;

For users registered PUPPYOO account, we will analyze login time, IP, time and arrange risk control management, and will send SMS to remind suspicious login activity;

Access control system, authorize only necessary information to workers, and check access record regularly;

Server system to store personal information are secured, if there is any safety problem, PUPPYOO will update system in the first time;

Regular training for workers, to get them aware of the importance of personal privacy protection;

If physical, technological or management protection measures are being damaged, we will start back up plan, report to national management department, and will push or announce or other effective ways about the basic condition, possible influence, measures taken or will be taken.

5. Your rights to manage personal information

During your use of smart puppy, you can access and manage your personal information in the following ways:

1) Access and correct your personal information

You can check and correct your puppy account information and information you provide through customer service, including password, gender, age, birthday, hobbies, marital status and more.

2) Delete your personal information

You have the right to ask the puppy company to delete your personal information when:

Your information has been illegally processed;

We stop providing services to you;

You can contact us by requesting to delete your personal information in the manner provided in Section IX of this Privacy Policy, and we will respond within 15 working days. When we delete your personal information from the server, we may not immediately delete the corresponding data from the backup system, but will delete the information when the backup is updated.

3) Cancellation of your personal account

You can cancel your puppy account at any time by "More - My Account". Please note that if you choose to cancel the puppy account, your puppy account will not be used and the relevant account information will be deleted. You will no longer be able to log in to the puppy service through the puppy account. (But it does not affect the services and features you can use without an account login).

When you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with the corresponding products (or services) and delete or anonymize your personal information within 10 working days, except when laws and regulations require us to save the relevant information.

4) Withdrawal of your consent or authorization

You can unbundle it with the puppy's smart "More-Delete Device". Once you choose to untie, your puppy's smart hardware will be restored to its original state and all personal information you have previously set will be withdrawn.

You may withdraw your consent to the collection and use of your personal information by turning off the device feature. For this product, you can turn off the right to collect your GPS location information through the phone's settings function.

Please understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed (see section 1 of this Privacy Policy). When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the service to withdraw the consent or authorization. The corresponding personal information will no longer be processed. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information previously based on your authorization.

6. Personal information protection for minors

Minors need the consent and authorization of the guardian when using the puppy product (or service). We recommend that underage parents or guardians read this privacy policy and advise minors to seek parental or guardian consent and guidance before submitting personal information. If you are a guardian of a minor, you may contact us through the contact details in Section 9 of this Privacy Policy when you have questions about the personal information of the minor you are monitoring.

7. The scope of application Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies only to puppy smart software. Other products and services of the puppy will use the privacy policy of the relevant product or service. In particular, this Privacy Policy does not apply to the following:

Embedding a puppy product (or service) into a third-party product (or service), information collected by a third-party product (or service).

Information collected by third-party services, advertisements, or other companies, organizations, or individuals that are accessed in a puppy product (or service).

8. Changes and revisions to the privacy policy

Our privacy policy may change. We will not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent.

We also provide noticeable notices of significant changes to this Privacy Policy (for example, in the event of a software revision or upgrade, or when you log back in, you will be notified in a pop-up window).

Significant changes referred to in this policy include but are not limited to:

Our service model has undergone major changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the way in which personal information is used, etc.;

We have made major changes in terms of control and so on. Owner changes such as mergers and acquisitions, etc.;

The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed;

Significant changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and how it is exercised;

When we are responsible for dealing with the responsibility of personal information security, contact information and complaint channels change;

The personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.

9. How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints regarding our privacy policy and the processing of your personal information, please contact us through the following methods.

1) Give us feedback on the App's "More" - "Puppy Mall" - "Customer Service";

2) Contact after sales call: 4006-111-456

10. The privacy policy takes effect

This version of the Privacy Policy will come into effect on [30] days of 2018.

Puppy Smart Disclaimer Agreement

1) Smart puppy refers to the products developed by the Puppy that are related to the intelligent software used by the Puppy sweeping robot. The relevant intellectual property rights in this product (including all copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc. of this product) belong to the smart puppy;

In order to cooperate with the puppy intelligent hardware device puppy sweeping robot, at the same time release the puppy smart client software (hereinafter referred to as "the software"). This software only serves the puppy sweeping robot and may not be used for any other purpose.

2) You need to be clear and agree, if you violate the relevant laws, regulations or the "Puppy Intelligent Software Product License Use Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement");

Under the terms of the item, the Puppy has the right to take measures including, but not limited to, interruption of service, restriction of use, freezing or deleting of user accounts, termination of service, and investigation of legal liability, without prior notice to the user, without prior notice to the user. And the user agrees to be liable for damages caused by the puppy or any third person.

3) You understand and agree that the puppy sweeping robot and the software are tools for the purpose of protecting the family. When using this tool, you should strictly abide by relevant national laws, regulations, departmental rules, policy documents, and public order and good customs. Safeguard national interests, protect national security, and must not infringe on the portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, trade secrets or any other legitimate rights and interests of others. If you violate the aforementioned agreement to cause damage to the state or others, you shall bear full responsibility (including but not limited to civil liability, criminal liability, administrative liability, etc.).

4) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the puppies do not make any type of warranty for the Service, whether express, implied or statutory. This includes, but is not limited to, the applicability, stability, virus-free, no negligence or lack of technical know-how, ownership and non-infringement of express or implied warranties and conditions of the puppy's official website. Moreover, the puppy does not guarantee that the service will meet the requirements of the user, nor does it guarantee that the service provided will not be interrupted. And there is no guarantee for the timeliness, security, error of the service, and whether the information can be transmitted accurately, timely and smoothly. Due to the market and the product itself, the manufacturer can adjust the functional status of the product through firmware upgrade or software adjustment.

5) In the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the smart puppy is not caused by the user using the service. Or assume any liability in any way for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages or claims relating to the use of the Service. (Including but not limited to damages caused by personal injury, due to privacy breaches, due to your failure to perform, including integrity or reasonable care, damages due to negligence and any other monetary or other damages)

6) You understand and agree that the use of this service involves Internet services, which may be affected by instability factors in various links, due to force majeure, computer viruses, hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, illegal content information, harassment information blocking, and any other network, technology, communication lines, computer failures, information security management measures, etc. The service interruption, obstruction, etc. caused by the reasons cannot meet the risks of the user's needs, and agree to bear the above risks. Puppy is not liable for any loss of data, or for any loss suffered by the user.

7) You understand and agree that for the normal operation of the service, the puppy needs to perform maintenance on the website and other equipment on a regular or irregular basis, which may cause the normal service to be interrupted or stopped. The puppies are committed to avoiding interruptions, stops, or limiting interruptions and stoppages to the shortest time within reasonable limits that are commercially permitted.

8) The smart puppy sold in mainland China is a mainland China version and is limited to use in mainland China.

9) When users use the sharing function, please ensure that you voluntarily open the cleaning record, use the puppy smart without any personal privacy of you or others, and ensure that the content is healthy and does not violate the law.

If you find that the content shared by your puppy's smart hardware violates relevant national laws and regulations, or is reported by a netizen, you will bear full legal responsibility, and the puppy has the right to notify you without prior notice. Take measures including, but not limited to, breaking the service, restricting use, freezing or deleting the account, terminating the service, and pursuing legal liability, and you agree to be liable for damage caused by the puppy or any third party.

10) The Internet is an open platform. The cleaning records you share are uploaded to the Internet. They may be copied, forwarded, falsified or used for other illegal purposes by other organizations or individuals, which may damage the legitimate rights and interests of you or others. You must be fully aware of the existence of such risks. You expressly agree to bear all risks and consequences arising from the sharing of photographs.

11) The puppy will have the information that may be forwarded to the third party to be clearly indicated before the user uploads the content.

12) In addition to the circumstances mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the user agrees that the puppy enjoys 30 days in advance (if the relevant laws have special provisions and the advance notice time prescribed by law exceeds the above-mentioned deadline, the legal provisions shall prevail) The right to interrupt or terminate some or all of the Services by notice of the Website Notice, The user is expressly aware of the grant of the above rights and is aware of the direct or indirect benefit impairments that may result from the exercise of the above rights to itself and to other third parties. The User hereby expressly disclaims all liability that may result from the punishing of the above-mentioned unilateral interruption or termination of service.

13) Any dispute arising from or related to this product shall be settled through friendly negotiation; If the negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to the Beijing Arbitration Commission for arbitration and accept its arbitration rules. The arbitral award is binding on both parties.

14) This statement is in addition to the relevant provisions of the Agreement and has the same legislation effect.



PUPPYOO R3X software using agreement

Welcome to use the PUPPYOO R3X software!

Please be sure to carefully read and understand all the rights and restrictions set forth in the " PUPPYOO R3X Software User Usage Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") (minors should be accompanied by a legal guardian). You are not authorized to download, install or use the Software and its related services unless you accept the terms of this Agreement. By installing, copying, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the Software Product, you will be deemed to have accepted this Agreement, which means you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, please do not install, copy or use the Software.

This Agreement is between the user (or "you" means the person who registered, logged in, used, browsed the service or the organization) and the PUPPYOO (PUPPYOO company and its affiliates) about the user downloading, installing, using, copying The protocol agreement for the puppy intelligence software (including but not limited to PUPPYOO products, programs and services. hereinafter referred to as "software" or "PUPPYOO intelligence") is included with this Agreement.

1. Statement of rights

All intellectual property rights of the Software, and all information related to the Software, including but not limited to: textual expressions and combinations, icons, graphics, images, graphics, color, interface design, layout framework, related data , add-ons, printed materials or electronic documents are all owned by PUPPYOO and are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws and regulations.

2. The scope of permission

1) Download, install and use: This software is free software, users can download, install and use the software in a non-commercial, unlimited number.

2) Reproduction, Distribution and Dissemination: Users may copy, distribute and distribute the Software Product in a non-commercial, unlimited number. However, each copy, distribution, and distribution must be complete and true, including all software, electronic documentation, copyrights, and trademarks relating to the Software Product, including this Agreement. If the user exceeds the scope of this license, the services of the software are sold or used for other commercial purposes, the PUPPYOO has the right not to notify the user to immediately terminate the provision of products and services to the user, and to pursue their legal responsibilities, and require them to compensate the PUPPYOO for all losses.

3. Rights restrictions

1) Reverse engineering, reverse compilation and reverse assembly are prohibited: Users must not reverse engineer, Decompile or Disassemble, and must not modify the compilation in the program file. Any resources. In addition to the laws and regulations expressly permitting the above activities, users must comply with this agreement.

2) Component Segmentation: This software product is licensed for use as a single product and may not be used by the user for any purpose.

3) Individual Authorization: For commercial sale, reproduction, distribution, including but not limited to software sales, pre-installation, bundling, etc., you must obtain written authorization and permission from the PUPPYOO.

4) Retention Rights: All other rights not expressly authorized by this Agreement remain with the puppies, and the user must obtain the written consent of the PUPPYOO when using other rights.

4. User instructions

Due to the relevant regulations of the national real name system, you must register the corresponding account and provide relevant personal information on the account page. The personal information you provide here is only for the registration of the PUPPYOO account. The PUPPYOO account is the account that the user has registered on the PUPPYOO Security Center website hosted by the PUPPYOO and uses the network service provided by the PUPPYOO Security Center website. The user must agree to and abide by the PUPPYOO user agreement when registering the PUPPYOO account. You may terminate your use of the Account at any time in accordance with the Software Description and the Software will retain or terminate your account in accordance with this Agreement. You must promise and guarantee.

You understand and agree that the Software is an application service product and the user is solely responsible for the authenticity, legality and validity of the registration information. Users must not pretend to be others, and must not use any other person's name to post any information. Do not maliciously use the registered account to cause other users to misidentify, otherwise we have the right to immediately stop providing the service, and you will bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom.

5. PUPPYOO Intelligence (PUPPYOO robot vacuum cleaner)

1) The function of the PUPPYOO sweeping robot

(1) General cleaning

The user can activate the cleaning function of the PUPPYOO sweeping robot by triggering the button 1 of the sweeper or the corresponding PUPPYOO app. The robot will intelligently plan the path and clean according to the planned path. This function will not collect. And upload any personal information about you.

(2) Specifying area cleaning

After the user binds the device to the PUPPYOO app, you can set the area to be cleaned by the app, or set the area where the sweeper is not allowed to clean, so that the user can control the area to be cleaned according to the actual situation of the family. After the area is demarcated, the sweeping machine automatically cleans the designated area, eliminating the need to manually carry the sweeper to a certain location. This feature does not collect and upload any of your personal information.

(3) Partial cleaning

Press and hold the backfill button of the sweeper for 3 seconds to achieve 2m*2m depth cleaning of the location, which is convenient and quick. (The data of 2m*2m comes from the laboratory physical test environment, and you understand and know that there may be errors in actual use.)

(4) Intelligent Recharge

The sweeper has the function of saving the track. Whether it starts from the charging pile or not, it can return to the charging post after completing the task. When the power is lower than 15%, in order to protect the battery, the task will be automatically ended and returned to the charging. After the charging is completed, it will automatically return to the resume of the breakpoint. Of course, if the time zone is set in the Do Not Disturb mode, the automatic sweep will not be resumed. This feature does not collect and upload any of your personal information.

(5) Remote control

After the sweeper is bound to the PUPPYOO app, the user can remotely control it for cleaning or recharging. As long as the device is not offline, you can command it. This feature does not collect and upload any of your personal information.

(6) Setting the timing cleaning

According to the situation of the family, the user can set a time in the unattended time in the home, so that the sweeper will automatically clean the set time, and you can enjoy a clean and comfortable environment when you go home. This feature does not collect and upload any of your personal information.

(7) Do not disturb mode

Since the sweeper will have noise during work, for this reason, the sweeper provides you with a do not disturb mode. You can set a do not disturb time period according to your own time. For example, from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am, after the setup is complete, we If the sweeper is accidentally triggered by the sweeping command during this time, the voice broadcast will not be issued. If there are unfinished cleaning tasks before, the automatic breakpoints will not be fully charged. After the time of the do not disturb mode, the breakpoints will be executed to minimize the impact on the pair.

(8) Viewing the cleaning record

Every sweeping record of the sweeper (such as cleaning time, cleaning area, cleaning track, etc.) will be recorded. You can check your cleaning record within one month in the PUPPYOO app you registered and logged in. You understand and know this feature only allows you to view the cleaning history under your account, you are not authorized to view other people’s record. This feature does not collect and upload any of your personal information.

(9) Consumables & Maintenance

You can use the PUPPYOO smartphone app to check the usage time and life of the filter, main brush, side brush and other consumables of the sweeper, and replace the consumables in time to ensure its normal and efficient operation.

(10) System Update

When there are new skills or optimizations, we will improve the sweeper by updating the system. You understand and know that the update system can continuously provide you with a better service experience. This feature does not collect and upload any of your personal information.

(11) sharing

The sweeper provides sharing capabilities, so you can share your daily cleaning history with other third-party platforms to increase the fun of interaction. Sharing to a third-party platform is a voluntary behavior of the user, and PUPPYOO intelligence only provides this sharing function. The sweeper also supports the family to share a sweeper. You can login to PUPPYOO app by registering the PUPPYOO account.

(12) Abnormal broadcast

When an abnormality occurs in the sweeper, such as being entangled or stuck, the voice prompt will be automatically played and the message will be pushed to the App so that you can know it at the first time.The implementation of the above functions requires you to operate in accordance with the instructions of the cleaning robot.

2) This software is suitable for Android and IOS smartphones. It supports Android 4.4 and above system versions and IOS8.0 and above system versions. If the user wants to abandon the use after installing the software for any reason, you can delete the software by using the deletion method provided by each operating system.

3) You understand and accept that PUPPYOO Intelligence will work with third parties to provide services that may include sharing, advertising, etc. You understand and agree to include advertisements for PUPPYOO, third party suppliers and partners in the Service.

4) The software is supported by the PUPPYOO.

5) Software modification and upgrade: The PUPPYOO reserves the right to provide the user with modifications and upgrades of the software at any time. After the user chooses the service, the software will be upgraded and updated, and the corresponding data traffic fee will be generated and collected by the operator.

6) The Software does not contain any malicious code designed to destroy user data or obtain user privacy information. It does not contain any functional code for monitoring or monitoring the user's computer. It does not collect personal information from user files or documents, and does not reveal user privacy.

7) Users should use the Software under the law and this Agreement. Users are not authorized to implement, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Delete or change any rights management electronic information on the software;

(2) Deliberately avoid or destroy the technical measures taken by the copyright owner to protect the copyright of the software;

(3) Using this software to mislead and deceive others;

(4) Break the national regulations, delete, modify, increase or interfere the computer information system functions which resulting in the computer information system function improperly;

(5) Enter the computer information network or use computer information network resources without permission;

(6) Delete, modify or add computer information network functions without permission;

(7) Delete, modify or increase the data and applications stored, processed or transmitted in the computer information network without permission;

(8) Destroy the normal operation of the software system or website, and intentionally spread destructive programs such as computer viruses;

(9) Any other behavior that endangers the security of computer information networks;

8) PUPPYOO will provide users with various related internet and communication value-added services according to the development of market and technology, including free and chargeable value-added services, and will prompt on relevant pages. The PUPPYOO reserves the right to charge the relevant value-added services and change the charging standards and methods; if the related services are changed from free to paid services, the PUPPYOO will notice users in an appropriate way, and the user can choose to accept or reject the charging service at his own discretion and guarantee that When using the fee-based service, the fee will be paid according to PUPPYOO charging regulations. If the fee is refused or arrears, PUPPYOO has the right to stop the service and recover the loss and compensation according to law.

6. privacy protection

1) PUPPYOO are committed to comply with the applicable regulations of the relevant privacy laws.

2) PUPPYOO have established strict user upload information processing rules and security protection measures to ensure that user information is collected within purpose and scope, to ensure the security of the information uploaded and will not be abused. For the purpose of sharing cleaning records, users can forward their cleaning records to third-party platforms. By continuing to use the Software, the User agrees to forward to the third party platform, meanwhile, the PUPPYOO may also disclose the information that may be forwarded to the third party before the user uploads the content.

3) The following four privacy principles have been developed by PUPPYOO to guide us on how to deal with issues related to user privacy and user information in our products:
(1) Use the information we collect to provide users with valuable products and services.

(2) Develop products that meet privacy standards and privacy practices.

(3) Transparent collection of personal information and supervision by an authoritative third party.

(4) Do the utmost to protect the information we collect.

You can learn more about privacy protection through the PUPPYOO smart app, "More - Common Settings - User Agreement"

7. Disclaimer and limitation of liability

1) After the User confirm to acknowledge all the Software functions and all the necessary operations that PUPPYOO do to realize the functions , they voluntarily chooses to use the Software and related services according to its own needs, all the risks and consequences aroused will be borne entirely by the owner and the puppy will not be held responsible.

2) The software has been thoroughly tested, but it is not guaranteed to be fully compatible with all hardware or software systems. Also do not guarantee that the software will be completely error free. In the event of incompatibility or software errors, the user can call for technical support. If the compatibility issue cannot be resolved, the user can delete the software.

3) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, damages and risks resulting from the use or inability to use the Software, including but not limited to direct or indirect personal damage, loss of commercial profit, trade interruption, loss of commercial information or any other economic losses, the PUPPYOO does not assume any responsibility.

4) The puppies shall not be liable for damages caused by telecommunication systems or Internet network failures, computer malfunctions or viruses, information corruption or loss, computer system problems or any other force majeure.

5) When using the sharing function, you need to confirm and agree to public your cleaning record voluntarily. The Internet is an open platform. The cleaning records you shared to the Internet may be copied, forwarded, falsified or used for other illegal purposes by other organizations or individuals. This may damage the legitimate rights and interests of you or others. You must fully aware of such risks. You agree that the PUPPYOO is not responsible for any risks and consequences arising from the sharing. If you find that the content shared by the sweeper violates relevant national laws or regulations, or is reported by a netizen, you will bear full legal responsibility, and the PUPPYOO has the right to adopt measures without prior notice to you, including but not limited to, interrupt service, using restrictions, freezing or deletion your accounts, termination of services, legal liability, etc., and you agree to be liable for damages caused by to PUPPYOO or any third party.

6) Users should use software services politely, and respect other user’s rights, such as personality rights and identity rights, establish a harmonious, civilized and polite network social environment.

7) Users must also follow the following principles during using software services:

(1) Do not violate the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and relevant international treaties or rules;

(2) Do not violate network protocols, regulations, procedures, and industry rules related to network services and PUPPYOO services;

(3) Do not violate the "seven bottom line" requirement: laws and regulations, socialist system, national interests, citizens' legitimate rights and interests, public order, social morality and information authenticity;

(4) No conduct which may have negative effects on the Internet or the mobile network;

(5) Do not upload, display or transmit any false, defamatory, harassing, damaging, offensive, abusive, intimidating, racially discriminatory, defamatory, leaking privacy, adult Erotic, malicious plagiarism or any other illegal information;

(6) Do not violate anyone’s intellectual property rights in anyway such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc., or personal rights such as name, name, reputation, honor, portrait, privacy, etc., or any other Legal rights and interests;

(7) Do not infringe upon the rights and/or interests of the PUPPYOO in any way or make any action against the PUPPYOO;

(8) Do not engage in any other activities that affect the normal operation of the software platform, damage the software platform business model or other harmful software platform ecosystem.

8) Puppy Company has the right to review, supervise and handle the behavior and information of users using software services, including but not limited to user information (account information, personal information, etc.), publishing content (location, text, pictures, audio, video, Trademarks, patents, publications, etc., user behavior (building relationships, comments, participation topics, participation activities, marketing information release, reporting complaints, etc.). Once find or received the third party reports or complains that the user violates the provisions of 4th of this Agreement when using the software service, the PUPPYOO or its authorized entity has the right to request the user obey its reasonable judgment:

1) Correction within a time limit:

2) Directly take all necessary measures to mitigate or eliminate the negative impact of user misconduct without notice and will notify the user as soon as possible after processing. The above necessary measures include, but are not limited to, changing, blocking or deleting related content, warning the offending account, restricting or prohibiting some or all functions of the offending account, suspending, terminating, and canceling the right of the user to use the software service.

3) If the user has any problems in the process of using the puppy service, you can contact us through the App, or you can call us: 4006-111-456.

9) Please use this software by ensure yourself and other’s safety and to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

10) For any specific service usage rules and instructions, the POPPYOO will use any means (including but not limited to webpage announcements, system notifications, private messages, SMS reminders, etc.) to make statements, notices, warnings, etc. For the purposes of this Agreement, users who use such POPPYOO services are deemed to have consented to the statement, notice, and caution.

11) The user who violates the provisions of this agreement and causes damage to the POPPYOO, POPPYOO have the right to take measures including, but not limited to, discontinuation of use, cessation of service, restricted use, legal investigations, etc.

8. Legal and dispute resolution

1) This Agreement applies the laws of the People's Republic of China.

2) Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, The Beijing Arbitration Commission will arbitrates and we accepts its arbitration rules which are binding on both parties.

9. Other terms

1) If any provision of this Agreement which is wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, or is in violation of any applicable law, the provision is deemed to be deleted, but the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding force.

2) The POPPYOO has the right to modify this agreement at any time in accordance with changes in relevant laws and regulations, the company's operating conditions and business strategies. The revised agreement will be accompanied by a new version of the software release. In the event of a dispute, the latest agreement text shall prevail. If you do not agree to the changes, you can delete the software yourself. If the user continues to use the Software, you are deemed to have accepted the changes to this Agreement.

3) The POPPYOO has the right to interpret and modify this agreement to the fullest extent permitted by law.



August 2018

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